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Cell Phone Tickets

- Now carry 5 points -

Initially, when cell phone violations first became law in Suffolk County, the violation did not caring any points. Soon the state enacted legislation that made it a 2 point infraction. On October 5, 2011 it became a 3 point infraction and on June 1, 2013 it was raised to a 5 point infraction.

Under New York Law, you are prohibited from using a hand held telephone while driving. There is an exception for calling 911 or for calling the police, fire personnel, or medical personal regarding an emergency.

Aside from the 5 points that a conviction for using a cell phone while driving imposes, a conviction carries a minimum fine of $50 and a maximum fine of $150 for first time offenders. A conviction for a second cell phone violation within 18 months carries a fine of up to $200, and a conviction for a third cell phone violation within 18 months carries a maximum fine of $400. In addition there is also a surcharge imposed upon conviction, presently either $88 or $93 depending on the court.

There are additional penalties for those convicted of cell phone violations with a probationary license, a junior driver’s license with a class DJ or MJ or a learner’s permit. A conviction to a cell phone violation with any of these types of licenses or a learner’s permit will result in a driver’s license suspension, or suspension of the learners permit for 60 days for the first offense. A second conviction within 6 months will result in a revocation of at least 6 months for a probationary license and 60 days for a Class DJ or MJ driver’s license or learner’s permit.

In New York, the law imposes stricter rules regarding the use of cell phone while operating a commercial motor vehicle. In addition, those convicted of a cell phone violation while operating a commercial motor vehicle or with CDL Licenses may be subject to additional penalties under the law.

The Suffolk County Traffic and Parking Agency takes a firm position with regard to Suffolk County cell phone violations and prosecutes these cases more vigorously than most of the other courts throughout Suffolk and If you received a cell phone ticket in Suffolk County, you should consult

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