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Speeding Tickets

Most speeding tickets issued in Suffolk County will end up at the Suffolk County Traffic and Parking Violations Agency ( SCTPVA) in Hauppauge. Other speeding tickets will be returnable to the various village and Justice courts throughout Suffolk County.  The ultimate outcome of a speeding ticket returnable to the SCTPVA will depend on a number of factors, primarily the speed you were cited for going, the speed zone and your driving history. Other considerations that will factor in are the prosecutor prosecuting the case, the judge the case ends up before, and whether the speeding ticket involves a school zone.

The vast majority of speeding tickets I handle at the SCTPVA I am eventually able to get reduced to 0 point infractions. Problems arise however on cases where there is a prior speeding conviction on the license within 3 years and speeding tickets that involve speeds 31 mph or more over the speed limit. Also, the court takes a particularly hard position on speeding tickets involving speeds in excess of 100 mph and speeding in school zone tickets.

Don’t let your first speeding ticket turn into your first speeding conviction. Aside from the increase in insurance and the additional driver assessment fee ( $300 for 6 points / $450 for 8 points), the speeding conviction will show every time you get another ticket. Even though the DMV will only considers the conviction for an 18 month period, the SCTPVA will consider the prior speeding conviction for at least 3 years, and even longer.